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The solution of this puzzle consists of 6 letters and begins with the letter M The game is forbidden to children under 12 years old. It contains scenes that may shock younger people (e.g., nudity©, violence) and/or contain generally coarse language© (but not sexual insults). All video games©must have logos. This is called PEGI: titleContent ranking. All video games©are concerned©, whether they are sold on physical media or in the store area©©. For security reasons, ©© we cannot validate© this form after too much© inactivity. Please reload the page if you wish to resubmit it. You can delete your subscription in your account at any time. You will be informed© by e-mail that the page “Empty©games o: What is the PEGIÂ ranking? Â` is considerably updated. The game is forbidden to children under 16 years old. It contains scenes of great violence and sexual character or strong coarse language or sã©quences representing the use of tobacco and stupor.© The game can be used© by any child regardless of age. It has no scary images or rough language. The team© thank you for your©answer The minor is not allowed to work more than 35 hours a week or more than 7 hours a day.

The employer can be private© or public, a company, an association or a©liberal profession. It is possible to work from the age of 16, regardless of the type of contract (contract of indefinite duration: titlecontent, fixed-term contract: titlecontent, fixed-term contract). Any minor must be authorized by his representative© who is entitled to©the title: Content of the title (for example, father or mother), unless it is a©competitor©. © You must log in to your personal space to subscribe to the update of this page. The contract is concluded using cerfa form no. 10103. However, in some industries, it is possible to start working before the age of 16. It is possible to carry out information visits and©observation periods in companies. A minor under the age of 15 can only register for an apprenticeship if he has completed© the 3rd place class. Otherwise, he will have to wait until he is 16 years old. The representative©of the content of the minor`s title must apply for©official authorization from the Labour Inspectorate.

The logos must then be visible on the page to©©load the game. The game may include® extra© money (for example, the purchase© of bonuses, character outfits). Certain professional activities are©prohibited before the age of 18. The employer may not entrust a minor with work that involves risks to his or her health© (e.g. vibration)© or© for its safety (e.g.©, Working at heights). To subscribe to updates on pages, you must activate your personal space. The game is intended for children from© 7 years old. It has scary scenes for very young children. Interested in© this topic? Log in to your account and receive an email notification with the information on the page “Play video o©: What is PEGIÂ ranking? Â` is being updated. The game is forbidden to children under 18 years old. It contains particularly explicit and©strictly explicit scenes of violence. The game may encourage you to play games of chance (e.g.

poker, roulette). The game contains images or©©material that may incite racist, sexist discrimination, etc. His remuneration must be at least©80% of the minimum wage©© (i.e. 8.86%). Before the age of 14, a child or teenager is only allowed to work: it is up to the manufacturer of the game to decide©the category©to which his game belongs. This ranking consists of 2 Logo-Ries©:. The game offers physical violence. Each video game©must have 2 types of regulated© logos©: This is the PEGI notation. Your subscription could not be taken into account. The game offers nudity© and/or sexual characteristics. The minor benefits©©from the transition from theoretical training©in an apprenticeship centre (CFA) to courses with the employer with whom©he has concluded© a training contract. The 1st type of logos indicates the minimum age of the player.

There are 5 (3 years, 7 years, 12 years, 16 years, 18 years). It is possible to work from the age of 16, except to perform certain prohibited or regulated© work, especially©if it is© dangerous to the health© or© safety of the worker©. The 2nd type of logos indicates the type of content recommended© according to age. There are 8 (rough language, online, fear, drugs, violence, discrimination, gambling, sex). With the agreement of the Labour Inspectorate, a minor© aged 14 or 15 may work only during school holidays under the following conditions.

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