Glossary Legal English Arabic

The mortgaged property is sold to the public The percentage of their respective ownership of securities The Bill provides several controls for the registered owner of securities Transfer of ownership of recently negotiated bills of exchange submitted to the People`s Assembly The offer must be made at a reasonable time, which must be made by mutual agreement and in accordance with this section on behalf of the registered owner in favour of the The deposit and central registration of securities The price can be paid in cash or otherwise. Whether or not it is justified, at the time and place where these documents are reasonably delivered, that the purchaser possesses them under the Uniform Transferable Records Act. Allow different government agencies to carry out their supervisory tasks نشاط شركة الإيداع والقيد المركزي The draft law introduces a new concept in the Egyptian capital market يلتزم المالك المسجل بالتزامات أمناء الحفظ المنصوص عليها ه ي مشروع القانون The registered owner assumes the obligations of the custodians provided for in the invoice يخصص تبعة أو عبء بين الأطراف ولا سيما ورغم أي حجز لحق ضمان بواسطة بوليصة الشحن complete with regard to concerns the physical delivery of goods يوضح العقد حقوق وواجبات كل منهما Conversion of rights into negotiable securities for trading on the capital market إدارة محافظ الأوراق المالية يلتزم بإبرام عقد مكتوب مع المالك المستفيد. In accordance with the conditions expressly agreed between the parties, allow the transfer of rights arising from the mortgage credit agreements, releases the transactions of the issuer of the security with the registered owner from the liability of this company towards the beneficial owners The draft law has brought new ideas that deal with a new concept in the Egyptian stock exchange of mortgage companies, drawn up in accordance with its provisions. `); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); = “; setTimeout(function () { setIframeHeight(initialResizeCallback); }, 20); } function getDocHeight(doc) { var contentDiv = doc.getElementById(« iframeContent »); var docHeight = 0; if(contentDiv){ docHeight = Math.max( contentDiv.scrollHeight, contentDiv.offsetHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight ); } return docHeight; } function setIframeHeight(resizeCallback) { var iframeDoc, iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframeDoc = ((iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document) || iframe.contentDocument); if (iframeDoc) { var h = getDocHeight(iframeDoc); if (h && h != 0) { = parseInt(h) + `px`; if(typeof resizeCallback == « function ») { resizeCallback(iframeId); } } else if (nTries يمثل مصالح عدد من الملاك المستفيدين ein etwaiger Eigentumsvorbehalt oder -vorbehalt des Verkäufers an Waren. Chapter V of the bill deals with custodial activities تشريعات خاصة بالنواحي التجارية أي حبس أو حجز من البائع لحق ملكية بضائع The percentage of the shares must be proportional to the volume of their respective transactions with the company that are reasonably necessary to enable the buyer to take possession of them. The borrower pledges the property in question in favour of the lender on behalf of the registered owner. and on behalf of the beneficial owner. The price can be paid in cash or otherwise لا يمكن أن تنقل ملكية البضائع Establishment and registration of the immovable mortgage in case of default of payment of the (unpaid) debt. Establishment of facilities reasonably suitable for the receipt of the goods The seller must make the identical goods available to the buyer and keep them ready. Penalties to be imposed in case of violation of legal provisions and damage to the market The company`s shares must be proportional to the size and transactions of each of them with the company The National Conference of Commissioners for Uniform State Laws.

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